
“Although some of the information was hard to ‘hear’ I did feel the truth of it and it had the effect of a great clearing and lightening of my body, mind, and spirit. I feel like I have an entire acre of room in my body and aura that wasn’t there before and this feels very calming. I also feel a tremendous power and energy boost. The pain in my hip has been significantly reduced and this makes me very happy. Thank you for your loving attention and willingness to help.” – Barbara F., New Mexico

“I want to thank you for the work you did with me about 2 weeks ago over the telephone. Since then, I have felt much less tense and lighter about my situation. I am not as bothered by my father or about some of the other negative things I have gone through in the past. Also, I am noticing that I am withdrawing myself from negative people and situations much more quickly than I have in the past. Moreover, my energy level has improved and I am moving in a positive direction. I am deeply thankful for the healing power you have demonstrated in my lie and will continue working with you.” – Esther S., California

“I look forward to another great year of great work! Our session this past Wednesday facilitated a complete 180 in terms how I was relating to and thinking about life. I am really happy to be working with you this year. My husband and I were reflecting on where we were at the beginning of the past year and where we were at the end, and we both have experienced so many tangible benefits from doing this work – the most important one is that joy is much more abundant for us now. We laugh more, help each other clear issues, we’ve moved to a town we love and I genuinely love our life. (This is very different than where I started the year.) so thank you – from the bottom of my heart. I feel like these shifts have come about because of our sessions and the opportunities that you have opened me up to. I feel like I get so many nuggets of wisdom during the sessions along with the clearing. I love these sessions, I love you and Jackie and am so so grateful to be here now with you in my life. It’s nice to live in love again!” – Caroline V., Iowa

“I’ve kept putting off writing to see if I still felt different. It has now been more than two months and I DO still feel different-MUCH better than before our session. I can’t thank you enough for what you did. I’ve been telling people how I got healed in so many aspects of my life–but particularly the healing that went on with my head due to my severe reaction to the drugs I had to take to treat malaria. I do honestly believe you saved my life in a wondrous way, and I’m now able to put all of that behind me and move forward. I did try every imaginable healing technique I could think of to get better over the years, but your healing, your grace, your power and intent are what I think saved my life. I’m SO glad I did it! I’m eternally grateful. Thank you so much.” – Kristen L., California

“In my individual session with you, you identified sluggish, muddy, depressed energy and armoring. You worked to clear my aura and directed me to open my heart, develop trust and feel and give love. Energy began moving through all of my chakras and the armoring dissolved. I feel lighter, brighter, and more open and charged with love energy. With your help and insights I feel that my life is being transformed. Your work is truly a blessing to me.” – Nancy H., Oregon

“I want to thank you again for the session we shared last year. Since our session my life has been loaded with positive changes. I’ve also learned to tolerate issues that at one time would have thrown me into a state of confusion and depression. Thanks again.” – Kelly L., New York

“I have been endeavoring to reach higher levels of consciousness while living an ‘everyday life’ (job, kids, family, etc.). What has frustrated me the most are deeply entrenched patterns of negative thoughts and feelings. These patterns are easily triggered into action by everyday events, and seem to flow in a nearly steady stream of resistance to my emerging God Presence.” – Anonymous

“What I expected from my phone sessions was how to more efficiently remove these negative blocks. What I experienced was infinitely better. Jonathan actually removes the blocks through his gifts of clairvoyance and healing. Jonathan is able to very accurately identify where the block is, what it looks like, and how it has been manifesting trouble in my life. Then he removes the blocks and replaces them with love and light. The result for me has been that major frustrating patterns of negativity are removed and gone after a single session. As I go about my day, I realize that many of the negative patterns are gone -other patterns took several sessions to clear away. I look forward to additional sessions with Jonathan.” – Kate G., New Jersey

“For many years I struggled with a chronic health problem. In just a few healing sessions with Jonathan, he helped me to accelerate my healing process and to move into greater levels of love, joy and understanding. During the healing process Jonathan literally pulled the blocks out of my aura. We went through the process a few times and each time the intensity of the emotions became less and less until they no longer held any power over me.” – Anonymous

“The sessions with Jonathan have helped me a great deal in many areas of my life. I feel more peace, love and joy coming into my life. I am healthier and have more energy throughout the day. I also have a much better self-image and feel that I am in a better state of mind. Also, I feel more in touch with my Higher Self and more grounded than I have ever been. But perhaps, most importantly, I am more in touch with my God Presence. I am very grateful to Jonathan for what he has done for me and hope that others get a chance to experience this.” – Robert S., Massachusetts

“In our session you did some work on a girl in our neighborhood who was having difficulties with my son and I was having difficulties with her mother. I asked if any healing could be requested and you said, ‘I’d be surprised how much healing we can request for others.’ You did the clearing and pulled energy off and this morning the girl’s mother called me for a very friendly chatty conversation. She said she is sorry we drifted apart lately. (We hadn’t spoken in 3 months). My son is also getting along better with the girl. Also, all the neighborhood kids played ball in the street right in front of our house. You cleared the area and now they no longer play right outside our house–they moved the game up the block! WOW! What amazing developments resulting from energy work alone!” – Eileen M., NJ

“I noticed that a tension I’ve had in the pit of my stomach, around my second and third chakras, was gone. It had been part of my life for as long as I could remember. But it was gone. I just felt calm. . There is a calm and peace and quiet there. I feel my soul filling me. I know I’m not done, and that I’ve still got a long way to go, but this feels like such a major piece fulfilled. Thank you, with all my heart.” – Bob Rutter, Jacksonville, FL